All New Zealand businesses were New Zealand Business Numbers (NZBNs) are unique identifiers assigned to businesses in New Zealand. Their purpose is to transform how businesses share their key information and interact with government and with each other. Each NZBN is a 13 digit Global Location Number (GLN) provided by GS1 New Zealand; which means they can be used worldwide.
You can search for businesses on the NZBN register by NZBN, company number, legal entity name or a previous name to find the business you’re looking for. You can also use filters to refine your search further.
NZBN is part of the government’s Better for Business Programme to make it easier for businesses to deal with government. It is estimated that the benefits for businesses from the NZBN Programme once fully implemented will be around $60 million a year.
NZBNs will, in time, become the main identifier for businesses to share key information with government and other businesses. NZBNs will reduce the time and energy businesses spend providing government the same information in different ways. Ultimately a change to NZBN information (primary business data) will change the same information on other databases held by government. This means businesses will spend less time on admin and will have more time for business.