As a motor vehicle owner, in most cases you can enjoy again this year a reduction to your licensing fee.
This kicked in on 1 July due to the ACC levy portion of the “rego” vehicle licensing fee going down because the levies collected are considered sufficient to cover the estimated claims that are likely to happen in the year ahead.
The reduction follows on the heels of last year’s cut meaning the annual average motor vehicle levy has fallen from $330 to $130 since 2014 and from $195 to $130 from last year.
There have been some reviews to a Vehicle Risk rating system introduced by ACC last year that assigns vehicle brands or models with a safety rating meaning drivers of cars deemed to be less safe can be targeted with higher rates. This has drawn criticism of the levy-cutting scheme with the view that higher rates in these cases penalise those least able to afford newer and safer cars.
Motorcycle levy rates remain the same as for the July 2015/16 levies as ACC states 76% of injury costs are already being met by other road users.
The petrol levy direct cost remains unchanged at 6.9 cents per litre reflecting “user pay” as the more you drive the more you pay.
Use this quick easy tool to check how much you will pay this year by simply entering your number plate.