Having a drink or a meal with a business contact is even better when you know how to claim back entertainment expenses. The individual amounts might not seem like much to begin with but they add up quickly and can substantially reduce your tax bill over the year. Putting in place a simple system for …
Tony’s Soapbox
Pre-Budget 2021 Firstly, I need to say that I have never been a member of any political party because they all have faults and I want to maintain an independent view. What is good for NZ I will back 100%. The views below are mine. The Government has been elected amongst other things to deal …
What property investors need to consider
Since the Government announced new tax rules that will greatly affect residential property investors, there have been many and varied predictions on how effective the measures will be. The extended bright-line test applies to properties purchased on or after 27 March 2021 but other amendments …
Capital Accounting Working From Home Client Survey
Our recent client survey shows that while most of you favour working from home (WFH) a quarter have struggled with mental well-being and feelings of isolation. Now our levels are down it's good that workplaces can be opened up again to allow the return of those who need the office environment to …
Set the right growth goals for your business - a simple one-page plan can be the answer. Our recent survey to our clients shows that while 53% of you have a business plan, others have indicated they do not or would like help with this. A robust, one-page Goal Setting Plan is a great first …